As part of our company’s ongoing efforts to support our employees in volunteer opportunities, we wanted to recognize Katie Mazac who donated her time as a certified llama show judge for the Pierce County Fair.
The youth shows and county fairs operate on such a small budget that finding skilled judges can be a challenge. “Whenever possible, I donate my time and travel expenses for these shows,” said Katie. She went on to say that this event is particularly near and dear to her heart, as it was the Pierce County Llama Project that gave her the first real training and experience with llamas she has had. That exposure led her to her lifelong passion of raising and showing llamas. “In my years showing and judging I’ve seen it happen too many times where a poor or inexperienced judge made for a less than successful show and bad experience for an exhibitor, and they walked away from the industry completely,” said Katie.
Because of that, she made it her goal to help up-and-coming people have a positive and educational experience every time she gets the chance to interact with them.