WIN Technology Acquires Digicorp, Inc.
A Partnership to Better Serve Customers
We are pleased to announce that as of July 1, 2024, Digicorp, Inc., has joined the WIN Technology family. This acquisition will allow us to accelerate the delivery of cutting-edge digital infrastructure and IT products and services to our customers. Welcoming Digicorp to WIN Technology expands our talent base and diversity of service offerings. Our combined company will deliver extensive digital infrastructure expertise to healthcare, manufacturing, financial services, government, education, agriculture and many business services enterprises. We look forward to the union of our strong teams and a bright future ahead.
Founded in 1976, Digicorp is a leading IT, cybersecurity, telephony and structured cabling provider, serving Wisconsin and Northern Illinois.
“Through the combination of our great organizations we can accelerate the pace by which we deliver cutting-edge digital infrastructure and IT products and services to our combined clients. With an expanded talent base and increased diversity of service scope, scale and footprint, WIN Technology will be able to deliver excellence on a wider range of solutions for our clients,” notes WIN Technology CEO Scott Hoffmann.
How Our Customers Will Benefit
By combining our services under one roof, we are able to extend broader capabilities to customers throughout the Midwest, while ensuring the quality, integrity and individual focus that WIN clients have come to expect.
- Expanded products and services: Digicorp products and services expand and complement our offerings by including video surveillance, voice, network security and software licensing.
- Intensified footprint across the Upper Midwest: With Digicorp’s robust engineering team, we have expanded our capacity to serve customers’ IT needs in the Upper Midwest, while also expanding our ability to provide additional products and services to existing customers.
- Single source for digital infrastructure: The combination of Digicorp’s reputable offerings with our strength in IT Services and our 20,000+ miles of fiber allows customers to avoid the friction of dealing with one provider for network connectivity and a different provider for digital infrastructure deployment and managed IT services.
- Shared vision and aligned values: Values centered around our customer, such as “do the right thing,” “act with a sense of urgency” and “speak straight” are not just tag lines, they are living proof of how we operate at WIN Technology and Digicorp. These shared and practiced core values ensure that our customers receive the highest quality of service.