Connecting a Healthcare System with Faster Broadband and Redundancy

An acute care hospital and regional referral center with multiple clinic locations was experiencing poor network performance and low bandwidth due to outdated network infrastructure.
The Problem
This resulted in disruptions to the client’s internet connectivity whenever one of their point-to-point circuits went down. These disruptions had an ongoing negative impact on employee, physician and patient experiences, and the point-to-point WAN circuits provided no redundancy during outages.
The Solution
After assessing the client’s current state, our WIN IT Professional Services team designed a solution that provided the client with:
- Increased bandwidth
- 24/7 network monitoring and support
- Improved uptime
- Support in moving to cloud workloads
Our IT professionals retired the point-to-point circuits and implemented Dedicated Internet Access connections. This solution quadrupled the client’s bandwidth, reduced latency and improved uptime. The WIN team also introduced LTE failover to add redundancy in the event of a fiber network outage and implemented next generation firewalls to the client’s multiple clinic locations. This provided the client with centralized management and logging as and inspects network traffic to block malicious activity at the edge.
Now that the project is finalized, WIN’s Network Operations Center is just a phone call away and available 24/7 to offer support with all the client’s WAN needs.
Benefits to the Client
Improved Employee Experience
Employees can rely on increased network availability with fewer frustrations that occurred during extended downtime events.
Improved Network Security
Staff can now focus on core responsibilities and deliver optimal patient care without worrying about WAN connectivity issues.
Efficient Operations
Improved latency and uptime ensures all clinic locations receive a strong network connection without disruption.